Number Ten | Make it a Mug or Cup
This tin has been holding tea since before you bought it. Why not continue making it do so? Pour your tea in it or brew directly in the tin can. Place the lid back on and it's a travel mug!
Number Nine | Store Your Gadget's Accessories
Going for a quaint decor at your house? Don't let a mix of wires, hard drives and other accessories leave your house looking atrocious! Wrap up your ear buds with a twist tie and toss them into your empty tin for a chic, antique appearance.
Number Eight | Planter
Winter is approaching and the only way to keep that pop of color in a cold climate is with a planter. Fill the tin with soil and transplant that plant!
Number 7 | Nail Polish Container
Keep your night stand tidy by storing your nail polish, tubes of lipstick, and eyeshadow cases in a pretty tin. Keeps you organized and makes an instant decoration.
Number Six | Jewelry Box
A pretty tea tin can make a lovely jewelry box. Whether it's sides are intricate or not, it will make a nice addition to your vanity table or bureau.
Number Five | Candle
Buy some wax at Michael's or AC Moore along with some wicks and if you please, artificial fragrance then make a candle in your empty tea tin. Another great idea is to put some of the tea aside before you finish the last of it and mix it into the wax. When you burn the candle, you'll get that lovely scent of tea again.
Number Four | Bird Food Container
A big, bulky bag of bird feed will take up a lot of space by your kitchen door. Fill up the tin with the seeds and nuts and leave the huge bag in your basement and the case in a kitchen cabinet to sprinkle on the ground by your door this winter. Kids will love watching the birds up close!
Number Three | Sugar Basin
Use a funnel to pour sugar from the five pound bag you just bought into a tin and you've made a quick, and you've made a sugar basin that is not only easy-to-access but also decorative.
Number Two | Pencil or Craft Material Container
Another great way to use your old tins is to store pencils in it. You can also use it to store buttons, beads, ribbons, or other craft supplies. Goodbye glass Yankee candle jars, hello rustic tea tins!
Number One | Herb and Seasonings Jar
Store your dried dandelion leaves for dandelion tea or other collected herbs in a nice tin. Then, when you're ready to make homemade herbal tea, just grab a handful of the dried out bits and brew them. You can also put in a seasoning such as cloves or dump in a cup of Vietnamese cinnamon with a small measuring spoon.
Use a funnel to pour sugar from the five pound bag you just bought into a tin and you've made a quick, and you've made a sugar basin that is not only easy-to-access but also decorative.
Another great way to use your old tins is to store pencils in it. You can also use it to store buttons, beads, ribbons, or other craft supplies. Goodbye glass Yankee candle jars, hello rustic tea tins!
Number One | Herb and Seasonings Jar
Store your dried dandelion leaves for dandelion tea or other collected herbs in a nice tin. Then, when you're ready to make homemade herbal tea, just grab a handful of the dried out bits and brew them. You can also put in a seasoning such as cloves or dump in a cup of Vietnamese cinnamon with a small measuring spoon.
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