Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dandelion Tea

When I was younger, I always thought the idea of eating dandelions was disgusting. Sure you can eat lettuce, potatoes, radishes, watermelon and other plants but you can't eat a dandelion.

Finally I decided to make dandelion tea. It still sounded like a disgusting thing to eat but I wanted to try it.

It isn't nearly as disgusting as I thought and the recipe is so simple. It's barely a recipe at all! 
All you need are dandelion leaves and water.

  1. Boil water in a kettle or saucepan on the stove. If you want to make this a faster process, heat it up in a microwave for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. Using a microwave may result in weaker tea.
  2. Wash four large dandelion leaves and tear them into small pieces about half an inch by half an inch. You may hear that you should let them dry in the sun but it's not required. (Note: If you dry them, make the process natural rather than with an oven.)
  3. Place leaves in a sieve and place the sieve over the mug of hot water. Allow to sit for about three minutes. If the leaves do not touch the water due to the shape of your sieve, just let them float in the water. For a softer taste, do not interfere with the seeping process. For a stronger taste, press the leaves to the sides of the sieve or mug using a spoon.
  4. Add sugar if you please and enjoy.

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